Contamos com um time altamente especializado

Nossa equipe une tradição e inovação para oferecer soluções contábeis personalizadas e de alta qualidade aos nossos clientes.

A person is looking at a computer screen displaying a document titled 'Overview - All Private Equity - Fundraising, Investments, & D'. The document contains statistical charts and graphs related to private equity market statistics from 2007 to 2022. Various tabs and functions like 'File', 'Home', 'Insert', and 'Design' are visible in the interface.
A person is looking at a computer screen displaying a document titled 'Overview - All Private Equity - Fundraising, Investments, & D'. The document contains statistical charts and graphs related to private equity market statistics from 2007 to 2022. Various tabs and functions like 'File', 'Home', 'Insert', and 'Design' are visible in the interface.

Nossa Equipe

Roque Silvestrin

Fundador e Diretor Executivo

Cida Silvestrin

Sócia Gestora

Débora Ferreira

Analista Fiscal

Danilo Mendes


Soraya Guedes

Auxiliar de Departamento Pessoal

Betsy Bejarano

Assistente de Departamento Pessoal

Andre Luiz

Analista Fiscal

Valéria Oliveira


"Desde quando tomamos a decisão de contarmos com a Roque Celestrini Contabilidade como nossos parceiros, cada atendimento é único, uma verdadeira relação de parceria e empatia."

João Silva

A group of five individuals are in a conference room engaging in a meeting. Four people are seated at a table with laptops and notebooks in front of them, while one person is standing and pointing at a projection on the wall displaying various company logos.
A group of five individuals are in a conference room engaging in a meeting. Four people are seated at a table with laptops and notebooks in front of them, while one person is standing and pointing at a projection on the wall displaying various company logos.
